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  • Existing deacons, Gary Philpot and Jerry Million, presented four candidates to become additional deacons of Buckeye Baptist Church with approval of the congregation. All four deacons were approved by a majority vote to serve.
    • Matt Cebelak - who serves as a greeter and usher in the church. His wife, Erin, currently leads the women's ministry and "fun comittee" of the church. They have been attending Buckeye Baptist for twelve years. 
    • Cole Ewen - who serves as a guest speaker in the pulpit, guest teacher in the adult Sunday School class, and currently leads the young adult ministry. His wife, Hope, assists in leading the young adult class and also serves in the children's ministry providing childcare. They have been attending Buckeye Baptist for ten years. 
    • Randy Hoffman - who currently serves as Tech Director over the tech team. His wife, Cara, currently leads the Ambassadors youth ministry. They have been attending Buckeye Baptist for twenty-four years. 
    • David Robinson - who currently serves as a Sunday School teacher in junior church and provides janitorial services for the church with his wife, Aimee. They have been attending Buckeye Baptist for twenty-four years. 
  • Existing deacons, Gary Philpot and Jerry Million, presented a single candidate to become a trustee of Buckeye Baptist Church with approval of the congregation. He was approved by a majority vote to serve.
    • Randy Combs - who currently serves as an usher and greeter in the church. He has been attending Buckeye Baptist for thirteen years.
  • Existing deacons, Gary Philpot and Jerry Million, provided church members with a copy of Buckeye Baptist Church's 2025 Anticipated Yearly Expenses. Yearly expenses of 2024 were discussed and compared with 2024's year-to-date giving. Members were encouraged to increase giving as there is currently projected to be a shortage in both general and missions giving compared to expenses. For those unable to attend the meeting, the electronic reports are available in Church News (Budget Handouts). Paper copies of the reports are available by request - talk to Gary or Pam Philpot if interested.  
  • The meeting ended in small group prayers for our church, our leaders, and our country.  


Gary Philpot
  • Deacon, Trustee, Adult Ministry
Jerry Million
  • Deacon, Trustee
Randy Hoffman
  • Deacon, Tech Director
David Robinson
  • Deacon, K-2nd Grade
Cole Ewen
  • Deacon, Young Adult & Adult Ministry
Matt Cebelak
  • Deacon, Greeting Ministry


Gary Philpot
  • Deacon, Trustee, Adult Ministry
Jerry Million
  • Deacon, Trustee
Randy Combs
  • Trustee