Pastor David Schenck
 has been the head pastor of Buckeye Baptist Church since it was founded in 2000. He graduated from Edgewood High School (class of '86), then attended Miami University, graduating with a degree in Psychology in 1991. He later obtained his Masters in Religion from Liberty University in 1999. David worked as an associate pastor and youth pastor for 10 years before starting Buckeye Baptist Church. He has been married to his wife, Lori Schenck, for 29 years. They have three boys together. 
As pastor, David operates as the chief excecutive officer in the church; moderator of all church meetings; and ex officio head of all departments of church work. His specific duties are to give special attention to the needs of the members, to preach to the church, to administer the ordinances of the New Testament, to maintain and exalt leadership in the progress of church growth; to act as a moderator in all matters for the transaction of buisness (where he is personally involved, he may appoint someone else to moderate); to serve as ex officio member of all committees of the church; to have supervision of the church staff; and to be chairman of the finance committee. He is entrusted with the daily governing of the church at large. He is to be looked to as a counselor for every phase of the church ministry.  
When asked about his vision for his ministry, he stated:
"My vision for Buckeye Baptist Church is to ensure we are always Bible-centered and preaching Jesus Christ. I desire to connect with people, introduce them to Jesus Christ, and teach them how to center their life and submit to Christ's lordship. Our ministry's goal is to make disciples and be disciples - living for the Kingdom of God."  

Samuel Schenck
 has been the Ministry Coordinator and Worship Director at Buckeye Baptist since 2023. He graduated from Cedarville University in 2023 with a degree in Biblical Studies. He is pursuing his ordination as a pastor while serving at Buckeye Baptist. 
As ministry coordinator, Sam helps coordinate special church events, recruits and trains church volunteers, provides support for various church ministries, assists in developing new ministry and service programs, and connects members of the congregation with the community and with each other. As worship director, Sam plans and oversees all worship services and programs at Buckeye Baptist Church. His responsibilities include selecting songs, introducing new songs to the congregation, teaching new songs to the praise teams, coordinating and managing volunteers, creating rotating schedules for the praise teams, and playing and overseeing the maintenance of the church's musical instruments. In more behind the scenes work, he is also involved with and supports volunteers in the audio, video, and media aspects of the church services and church ministries. 
When asked about his vision for his ministry, he stated:
"I desire to involve other people in the ministry of Buckeye Baptist, seeking to pursue and glorify God together. Through worship ministry, I take people's talents, skills, goals, and passions and help direct them in a way that aligns with Biblical principles."

Pam Philpot 
has been the Office Manager at Buckeye Baptist since 2000. She loves to plan and organize events for the church. You'll often find her welcoming new visitors on Sunday mornings. She and her husband, Gary Philpot, have been married for 50 years. They have 4 children and 11 grandchildren together. 
As office manager, Pam provides administrative support and secretarial duties for both the pastor and church. She helps cooordinate the use of church facilities for special events and church meetings. She is often the first person leaders contact for questions about church functions. She also maintains various church records and generates financial reports for the church's leadership team.
When asked about her vision for her ministry, she stated:
"I want to serve the Lord in any way possible. I enjoy helping and organizing the small details of the church and serving in any way behind-the-scenes."